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Security Awareness Training

Training courses

The DEFEND Security Awareness Training feature designed to enhance user knowledge through bite-sized CyberSecurity awareness courses. The training program adapts to the user's knowledge level, determined by an initial quiz, and progresses from basic to advanced topics with a new interactive course sent out each month.

  1. Initial Quiz: Users start with a quiz that assesses their current cybersecurity knowledge.
  2. Course Progression:
    1. Basic Courses: Introduce fundamental cybersecurity concepts such as phishing, password security, and safe social media use.
    2. Intermediate Courses: Build on basics with more in-depth information and advanced countermeasures.
    3. Advanced Courses: Cover complex topics like online payment security and Dark Web awareness.

This structured approach ensures that users receive the most relevant training based on their initial knowledge level, enhancing overall security awareness in the organization.

Microsoft 365 Integration

The training integrates with Microsoft 365/Azure AD to automatically enrol new staff in the training programme.


The following topics are covered in the standard Security Awareness Training. Each course is just a few minutes long, with a short quiz at the end to confirm understanding.


  • Phishing
  • Public Wi-Fi
  • Secure Passwords & Authentication
  • Physical Security
  • Cloud Security
  • Secure Internet Use
  • Mobile Device Security
  • Removable Media
  • Social Engineering
  • Using Social Media Safely
  • Working Remotely
  • Security at Home


  • Ransomware
  • What Makes a Cyber Criminal?
  • The Internet of Things
  • The Insider Threat
  • Information & Data
  • Smishing
  • Secure Email Use
  • Videoconferencing Securely
  • Data Loss
  • Denial of Service Attacks (DOS)
  • Patching & Updating
  • Vishing


  • Spyware & Adware
  • The Dark Web
  • Protecting Your Online Privacy
  • BYOD
  • Secure VPN Use
  • File Sharing in the Workplace
  • Home Network Security
  • Clear Desk Policy
  • Online Payments
  • Malicious Websites & Applications
  • Malware
  • Using Third Party Services Securely

Phishing Simulation

The Phishing Simulation feature in FoxTech DEFEND helps organizations assess and enhance their employees' ability to recognize phishing attempts. Key aspects include:

  • Realistic Simulations: Sends simulated phishing emails to users, mimicking real-world scenarios.
  • Behavior Tracking: Monitors user actions, such as email opens and link clicks, to gauge susceptibility.
  • Automated Reporting: Provides detailed reports on user performance, highlighting vulnerabilities.
  • Targeted Training: Users who fall for simulations receive immediate training to improve their awareness.

Contact Support to get this set-up for you.